OBJECT IVE To pr ovid e prof essional skill and creative hair d esign artistry while presenting technically perfec t visu al prese ntation. SKILLS
Communica te with clients to form clear and concise underst andings of expect ations. Organized demanding client cal endar and impromptu r equests with eas e, punctuality, an d profici ency. Thriv ed in fast paced enviro nmen ts using excell ent manage ment and inte rpersonal skill s. Providing mob ile services for sp ecial ev ents. Profi cient in continuity an d quic k cha nges.
CRE DITS FI LM AN D STA GE: GDG Films makeup artist to Charles “Roc” Du tton & Fl ecia “Snoop” Pearson. Key Ma keup artist “Must Be The Music” Jan.2 012 Little Sicily – Assistant MU A to Afr eda Howard Keck “Faces by Fre” dec. 2018 8 seasons with Curits as pa rt of “Faces by Fre” MUA and hair. Templ e University Op era 2022, MUA and hair, a ssisted with wardrobe as part of F aces by Fre. Templ e Opera 2 018 “La Ca nterina” Lead d esign hair a nd makeup as part of Faces by Fre. Kphat Pr oductions 1 st assist ant HMUA “Snow Babi es” as part of Faces by Fre 2017- 2018. Kphat Pr oductions 1 st assist ant HMUA as part of Fa ces by Fre “Retalia tors” 20 19. Halo Rossetti 1 st assist ant HMUA as par t of Face s by Fre “Pony” 2021 Pony was selected for transla tion Seattl e Trans Fil m Fes tival 202 2. EDITOR IAL: Philadelphia Magazine June 2008 personal MUA to Victoria Wyeth, speaking of famous grandfather Andrew Wyeth . Head shots and Training vi deos for C olonial Insurance Head shots for Caldwell ba nker preferred Varga Calendar, for Varga r estaurant 2007-2009 Ad campaign for “Shut Up & Danc e” 2 014 pr ogram s a nd bus shelter ads.
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EDUCATION Toms River High School Eas t 1980-1983 Ocean County Co mmunity Col leg e 1983-1985 Rider University 1985-1990 Aveda-Jean Madleline 20 1 9
VOLUNT EER EXP ERIENCE A ND LEADERSHIP Mac Aids Fund ambassador , philanthropic divi sion of Mac Cosmeti cs, helping th ose infected and affec ted by HIV and aids wor ldwi d e . Manna – serving nutritional meals to th ose with debilitating disease s. 3 rd Annual production of C ode Red, a benefit to help r aise awarenes s and era se the st igma of the Aids virus. Mazzoni Center – helping those aff ected by Aids and transgender indi vidual s’ freed om and rights. PROFE SSIONA L EXPERIE NCE BUYER • MACY’S 1983-1993 GAP STORE MANAG ER Manager of a large s taff, 20 -35 people. COU NT ER MANAGER ES TEE LAUDER • 1 998-2003 MA NA G ER MAC COSMETICS • 2003- PRESE NT Manager to take a location in Bloomingdale to a millio n-dollar counter, assistant manager in a 1.4 million stor e. Curr ently a mua, in the highest Macys location in the region, 1.5 million.
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